FIRST POST, I must say this brings about mixed feelings. 🙂 :/ Well here goes nothing. I’m reading a book called “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz. The chapter I’m currently on talks about Get the Action Habit. There are two things that have changed my attitude about doing things. You must be wondering what does this have to do with travelling. Well, be patient I will explain in awhile. There are two things that made me evaluate how I handle most things in my life. They are: Don’t postpone getting started. [and] Use action to cure fear and gain confidence.

Before I start a project, approach someone, start a blog, go for a weekend getaway, informational visits to companies, and the list goes on; I usually hesitate and wait for the conditions to be perfect for me to do it. To come think of it, there are somethings that I have not done till now. Waiting for conditions to be perfect will take forever. That is why we also use the phrases, “I will do it tomorrow”, “There is tomorrow”, but this tomorrow never seems to reach. PROCRASTINATION, NEVER SOLVES ANYTHING. Reason I started with this, is because before I started this blog I was waiting for the perfect condition or time. I must say, I have waited for a year to do this.

Before I left to come to the university, I told a friend that this opportunity of studying in a foreign country will give me the chance to travel in Europe (thanks to the Schengen visa) and elsewhere. Plus with my travelling itinerary, I will start a blog and share with everyone my adventures. Unfortunately, this did not happen. I was still waiting for the perfect time. 1 year down the line, after reading the Get the Action Habit chapter, I realized that I can start my blog now and with time when I travel I can use my adventures then to supplement the information that I have compiled on the blog. These points from the chapter have come to use whenever a clever or feasible idea comes to mind. It is better to do it and fail, rather than not do it and not know the outcome. Avoid, “I had thought of that idea even before anyone thought of doing it” or “I wish I followed up with the idea”.

When you get time, get the book and read a few pages now and then.

What is this is blog about??

This blog is a platform of sharing my online adventures in the different countries. I will explore the different places, people and cultures. At the same time I hope that it will give people an insight of what all these different countries have to offer. At the moment in the world, there is conflict, scare of infectious diseases, revolutions, and different ideologies at play. Whenever, you switch to the different news channels and sites, there is negative news being reported. It’s good that we are being kept in the loop of what is happening but what about positive news. What of late have you heard on the news channels that symbolizes positive reports or stories?

Having that in mind, I hope that this blog will showcase the beauty in every country. Whenever, you require a dose of positive news, onlineglobetrotter will provide it through adventures. 🙂

Where does the journey start?

This journey will start in my motherland, beautiful and exotic Kenya. Most people may agree with me that Kenya is exquisite. Maybe my opinion is biased but in the few countries that I have had the pleasure of travelling to, none can be compared to Kenya. Starting from our scenery, to food, to people, and nothing beats the creativity in our public transport (hahaha). However, maybe in the next couple of months other countries beauty may change my perception. For the next 2 weeks or so, I will be posting pictures and small narratives about the different places.

Therefore, join me as I tour around Kenya. If there are any places that you would like me to add in this blog, let me know by commenting.

Remember all you need is time and your imagination.



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